First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
Company *
How many racks/cabinets?
Which data center are you interested in? AZ01 Phoenix CO01 Denver IA01 Des Moines IL01 Chicago IN01 Indianapolis IN02 Indianapolis IN03 South Bend MI01 Grand Rapids MI02 Grand Rapids MI03 Detroit MI04 Detroit MI05 Detroit MN01 Minneapolis OR01 Bend WI01 Madison WI02 Madison
How much power do you require? (based on a full rack) 5.0 kW 14.4 kW 16.6 kW 33.2 kW Other
How much bandwidth do you require?
Do you have cross-connect requirements? YesNo
How are you handling connectivity? Do you have a preferred carrier?
What compliance requirements exist?
What is your timeline for this project?
Please provide any additional information to help us create your quote.